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Business Information

Effective risk management is a major contributor towards profitability. Trade debtors/accounts receivables can represent up to 40% of a company's current assets, and in many cases this is the largest uninsured asset. The most useful general-purpose tool for finding out about a specific company is a D&B Business Information Report (BIR). These are available for all countries in the region. The precise nature of the information contained depends upon the legal and business environment in each country. A BIR will normally give sufficient up-to-date information about the trading activities and financial viability of the company concerned to help you make an informed decision about the terms on which you should do business.

Planning a Joint Venture

Planning to enter into a joint venture agreement or partnership with an Indian company?

Dependable Credit & Status information about potential business connections is indispensible when making decisions about future business relationships. That's why, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services makes available an array of comprehensive reports for all kinds of Indian firms and Businesses, which can provide you with valuable insight into the company and minimize the chances of fraud.

Business Disputes

Business disputes are nothing new to India and its people, and have been taking place for ages. With the changing of time, the nature of dispute may have transformed, but the intensity is more than ever now. Every business faces one dispute or another in the course its run, and in fact, few thrive on it while some get ruined.

Business disputes can strike a venture over any issue, and monetary concerns remain the foremost of them. In fact, cases are galore where two warring partners are found tussling over issues as petty as decision making or profit sharing etc. Buyer-seller dispute too surfaces with alarming regularity across industry verticals over payment issues or similar terms and conditions.

Joint venture disputes, in fact, dominate the industry today where one partner tries to overcome the rights or another. And above all, credit row is among the commonest form of disputes that plague the players in the domain. In all such cases, the nature of dispute tends to revolve around the finances, profit-sharing, decision making, ownership rights etc.

In certain business disputes, defaulter flees the scene with their shares to leave the other partner fuming. At the same time, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services do take up cases where vendor is duped of money on account of credit transaction. In such cases, the promised payment is not made, and the defaulter runs away and remains untraceable. All such disputes are almost inevitable at first, though steps can be taken to find a solution to them all.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services , at SaudiArabia, remain at the forefront of the investigation domain for helping businesses and clients solve various disputes of any scale or size. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services may not stop the dispute, but SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can certainly help the clients by finding the cause and defaulters in such cases.

If you run a business of any nature and are stuck in any kind of dispute, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services would help you out. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services ensures that any fraud employed for business disputes is exposed to benefit the party harmed. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services leverage on the up-to-date technologies and systematic approach to solve any disputes which can bring harm to our corporate client.


WHY DEBUGGING IS MUST...?.?.?... Because...

It could be anybody Coworkers, Neighbors, Enemies, Friends, Your Spouse, Strangers, Government Agents, Industrial Spies, Your Boss, Your Insurance Company...


arrow   Jealous relatives, Male/female friends

arrow  Sexual perverts eaves dropping into bedrooms & bathrooms

arrow   Husbands and wives bug each other on regular intervals

arrow   Parents eavesdrop on children

arrow   Businessmen eavesdrop on other businessmen

arrow   Scientists eavesdrop on other scientists

arrow   Students eavesdrop on teachers

arrow   Lawyers eavesdrop on other lawyers (and their clients)

arrow   Insurance companies eavesdrop on accident victims, and other claimants

arrow   Construction companies eavesdrop on other construction companies

arrow   Competitors eavesdrop on clients or potential clients

arrow   Collection agencies eavesdrop on debtors

arrow   Partners eavesdrop on other partners

arrow   Suspicious companies eavesdrop on their directors

arrow   Small Businessman eavesdrop on large / successful ones

arrow   Eaves dropping done to assist in planning major crimes

arrow   High Threat Personal Situations

arrow   When you have a great Business or Social Plan

Debugging Agency & Services stops eavesdroppers, wireless and wiretappers immediately...

The difference between 'bugging' and 'surveillance' is that between a 'Good Cop' and a 'Bad Cop', 'Sabotage' and 'Counter Sabotage'. When bugged you are under the attack of saboteurs and Debugging Agency & Services counters the saboteurs Bug detection is a very important service that should be taken into consideration if you suspect that you, a friend, or a loved one might be the victim of a bug, wiretap, audio or video unwelcome device. A "bug sweep" (sterilization) is performed to locate a bug, wiretap, audio or video device in an office, residence, cell phone, car, land line, or numerous other places where eavesdropping can occur. Bug sweeps can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days, all depending on the complexity of the bug, and severity of the breach. There are no bug detection services available although some fly by night operators may claim to be capable, thus you should choose the service that provides the most comprehensive spy detection, telephone bug detection, and surveillance detection.
Debugging Agency & Services offers the most comprehensive bug sweeps available.

We are in the business since the last 32 years and have debugged / sterilized more than 10,000 locations.

Who Gets Bugged ?.?.?

When you or someone close to you, related to you, etc...
have been...

  • In a high political are government position.
  • Mixed up in any type of litigation, lawsuit.
  • In the process of getting married, separated, or divorced.
  • Because you are a religious leader or minister.
  • When you are "A Key Person","The Brain" or part of the"Think Tank".
  • Elected or about to be elected or in the race for any type of elected public office.
  • To any public office (i.e.: selectman, mayor, school principal.
  • Scientist or executive at any large company or business.
  • Recently filed or about to file an insurance claim.
  • Engaging in political activism or demonstrations.
  • Employed in the defense or any position of power or financial deals.
  • Private Investigators have been "nosing" around you.
  • You are in the upper income bracket.
  • Income Tax or Statutory Departments may be interested in you.
  • Contesting or elected in a high political position or as a political leader.

Just keep in mind that anybody with Power, Money, Influence, or access to personal, sensitive, or classified information or documents is at serious risk for electronic eavesdropping.

On a similar note: If you are currently working (or have worked in the past) for any kind of governmental, military, judicial agency or law enforcement, the risk of being targeted for electronic eavesdropping is extremely high. Such eavesdropping can come from either side of the law, and is rarely sanctioned legally or through a court of law.

In addition, people associated with, married to, getting divorced from, divorced from, getting intimate with, or dating a person in high position/power , law enforcement agency, or any level of the judicial system should be worried about illegal audio - video monitoring.

Debugging Agency & Services suggests that if you are in a lukaration or business, or you hold any type of key positions, you should contact us as soon as possible to schedule a bug sweep. There may exist a high threat industry, position, or situation that is not elaborate here. It is a good idea to get wiretaps removed as soon as possible, and the best way to take care of wiretaps and bugs is using the state-of-the-art bug sweeps that Debugging Agency & Services provides. We are the only company in this field of technical surveillance counter measures ( TSCM ) and bug sweeps.

When should you wake up ?

It is not necessary that your should wake up only on confirmation that your personal or professional information has leaked out. Debugging Agency & Services suggests that even potential victims of wiretaps should contact us immediately and we will debug you. A small investment is worth the peace of mind if there is a hunch or doubt of being bugged, please call us immediately and the counter measures should be started immediately. If you are unaware of your risk factor so far pertaining to bugging, please wake up now.

You could be of Business Interest ?

Someone out there may be interested in the precious personal or business information you have. Being bugged is worst than getting ripped and rapped. Anyone can be the target of covert eavesdropping and audio recording, however; some people are at higher risk than others because of occupation, financial position, domestic, or legal situation.


DO NOT try to initiate contact using any suspect telephone, and always call from off-site. (Call from a pay phone at an airport, hotel, or a friends phone). This is a very important issue as it is possible to ruin a Debugging Agency & Services service by being indiscreet on the telephone.

Private Investigators and Security agencies are rarely qualified and experienced to perform bug sweeps. Their training, background, and equipment are for the installation of surveillance devices, not the detection and removal. Always remember that Debugging Agency & Services is a technical service, and is not something your local police department knows anything about. Law enforcement agencies do not perform Debugging Agency & Services services for the public. They simply do not have the equipment, spare time, nor the training and experience.

Do not expect any law enforcement agencies to help you locate an eavesdropping device (it's not their job). The only time that a law enforcement agency enters the picture is in the rare event an eavesdropping device is found during a Debugging Agency & Services sweep (and even then most agencies will pretend the incident never happened).

For more informtion please visit

Sting Operation

The use of Sting Operation (SO) officers is a time-tested investigative technique where disguises and pretexts are used to gain the confidence of known or suspected criminals in order to undermine their illegal activities.

SO officers perform one of the most dangerous assignments in law enforcement. They come face to face with criminals as the crime is occurring. A criminal may not hesitate to rob or even kill a SO officer if he believes the person is also a criminal, such as a competing drug dealer. Suspects reason that their victims will either not report the crime, or their death will not generate much police interest.

SO officers must adequately prepare for every assignment they face. If the SO officer is exposed as a police officer, it could create serious safety problems for him and any confidential informant who introduced the officer to the criminal.

Officers selected for Sting Operation assignments should have the same traits any other detective has, and be willing to accept the inherent dangers associated with this type of work. Officers unable or unwilling to perform Sting Operation assignments should not be forced by their supervisors to perform these assignments.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services is a name to reckon with for offering its clients, a myriad of investigation services. Sting operations are one such type of service rendered by the organization. It refers to the process of catching an individual red handed when he/she is undertaking any sort of criminal and illegal activity. Majority of the sting operations usually require the agent to pose as a confidant to the one who is engaged in criminal and suspicious activity.

Apart from the agents, various high-tech gadgets, cameras, microphones and other paraphernalia is used in carrying out these sting operations successfully. These are the most advanced method of making investigations as these are complicated and complex planned game, which is executed successfully and professionally by SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services .

The mainly is an information collecting-gathering activity, which is undertaken to derive the facts which cannot be obtained easily. Our skilled team of detectives have gained expertise in carrying out the best sting operations in India as well as and all other cities of India, owing to which SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have been recognized as the best Detectives.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services makes sure to carry out these sting operations with great precision and care and provide the most accurate results and satisfy our clients. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have solutions for all your queries which demand the requirement of extensive sting operations. A Sting operation cannot be undertaken by normal people and thus requires the involvement of stringent team of professionals, who are well trained to offer these services, so that the main aim of catching the culprit red handed is obtained, without even putting the same thing into his/her notice.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services , being the most trustworthy Private Detective Agency in SaudiArabia, has a backing of professionals who help in providing the most result oriented sting operations. The team of investigators spread all across the nation is well versed and is ready to serve the clients round the clock.

Litigation Support

A court case could become a nightmare, wrecking you or your company's credibility and reputation if it goes against you. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services Service is having an excellent experience to assists in preparing for and in designing a settlement strategy.

Litigation support is the process of providing consultation and support services to attorneys in regard to current and pending cases. The type of support services offered will depend on the needs of the attorney and may range from research and documentation of facts and precedents before a case comes to trial, or assisting in the determination of damages one a case has been tried. Consultants offering this type of professional service may work independently or be one of several consultants working at a firm providing litigating support services. Sometime genuine and strong litigation cases become weak and are lost in the court of law for lack of concrete evidence and supporting information which one finds difficult to obtain on his own. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can help in obtaining the required information to strengthen cases pertaining to alimony, divorce & child custody, land & property disputes, bank & insurance frauds, succession & inheritance and other civil & criminal cases.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offers the expertise of litigation support professionals to assist attorneys to manage large scale litigations. This includes managing the large volumes of data related to and produced in litigation. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services manages, sort and index the data. Data management strategies are also offered by SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services expert litigation support professionals who can also assist with technologies in the courtroom by providing support to the clients and training in software that will help in dealing with litigation.

Also litigations could be nightmarish for clients leading to loss of reputation and credibility to a great extent. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offers litigation support to ensure you have sufficient counsel in preparing and also deciding upon the right settlement strategies which is important for any sort of litigation. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services litigation support services also include a whole range of services such as developing evidence in order to substantiate and stand by the material allegations that have been made. Identifying and locating witnesses is also one of the primary functions that SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services perform with a lot of expertise and experience.

Another important function that SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have while SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services provides litigation support to SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services clients is the investigation of adverse witnesses. Litigation support and some of these services are quite crucial which is why SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services expertises would be of a lot of importance to help out SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services clients out of tough situation. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services also provide services to access the opposing party. This is in order to determine the settlement strategies if required so that the litigation comes to a peaceful end.

Court cases could become a nightmare spoiling the credibility apart from the harassment. Advocates, Law firms are hired but they can only argue in the court which requires backing of proof to substantiate their argument. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has the forte in preparing such litigation support for the successful settlement of the cases.

With due humility SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has not only provided legal support by Ms. TaralikaLahiri has appeared in courts of different cities and the clients have won only on the merits of evidences collected by SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services .

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services also has the expertise in following for building evidence to substantiate a case-

Identifying and locating witnesses

Investigation of the opposite party for and update their position.

Assessing the opposite party to determine the legal strategy.

Collecting evidences to provide strong legal support.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services search for objective proof or evidence to help increase our clients’ chances of success in their legal aspirations. From a rational and neutral point of view, and complying strictly with the law in our methodology, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services focus on obtaining evidence that the legal team can show in court. Hiring a private detective agency can provide you with the proof or evidence that tilts the balance in favour of your client.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services always take special care to respect the rules of the game, being aware at all times that evidence obtained illegally will not only fail to help our client but can ruin the whole strategy developed by the legal team. Relax in the hands of professionals, you will notice the difference.

If you want accurate information, hire SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services . SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services team of detectives is reliable and efficient and SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services sales team will serve you personally, 24 hours a day, before and during the investigation.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offer SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services investigation services to lawyers based on two key points:

  • Coordination with the legal team. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services focus on achieving the objectives set by the legal team and try, whenever necessary, to provide alternative solutions based on our experience.
  • The interest of the client. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services work always revolves around the interests of our clients. Their needs are our needs and SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services make every effort to provide them with the service they require.

We all know how tricky it is sometimes to recommend a professional to our clients. If all goes well, someone else takes the merit for the work, whereas if an error occurs you risk being blamed by your clients. Attention to detail, transparency and the client service SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offer at SaudiArabia will let you focus on your work without having to worry about any unpleasant “surprises” occurring. Let SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services be your ally & search for proof or evidence

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services as a private detective agency in SaudiArabia provide the following important, crucial services related to evidence collection, litigation support services which are highly specialized and accurate services:

  • Verification and evidence collection for litigation support of all types of court cases, matrimonial disputes, and civil, criminal, labour, commercial disputes.
  • Investigation, surveillance, fact and evidence collection of all types.
  • Document retrieval, document verification services of all kinds.
  • Pre and post employment status verification of employees.
  • Trade mark, brand name and patent infringement detection, surveillance, protection and all other services related to brand protection.
  • Copy right, IPR protection and detection of cases of violation.
  • Detection of duplicity of products.
  • Corporate surveillance at all levels which includes watching the business interests with rivals, competitors, vendors, suppliers, etc.
  • Fraud detection, cheating and forgery detection
  • Title and legal verification of properties.

Fraud Detection

Fraud has always been present since the times reached by human memory extending up to SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services days and is highly likely to continue to be committed in the future. Anybody can be exposed to fraud internal (corporate managers, shareholders, employees) and external (banks, tax institutions, suppliers, purchasers, investors, governmental institutions, financial experts, auditors and even the society at large) users of information. Fraud produces detrimental effect not only upon the financial status and performance of companies even it may ruin the company’s image and damage its competitiveness.

Fraud is not a fortuitous event. Insurance fraud costs the industry a lot of money, and hence it costs insurance consumers a lot of money. For the industry it’s difficult to underwrite against dishonesty. It’s a moral hazard, and insurance underwrites for fortuitous events. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services insurance fraud investigation is one of SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services key competencies. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services work closely with many of the major Life and Health insurance providers, Attorneys / Lawyers, Loss Adjusters, Investigation Agencies, self insured and self funded employers to assist in identifying those committing fraudulent insurance acts. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services team of specially trained investigators works with the legal staffs and executive committees to process insurance fraud claims and will testify during trials about their discoveries during their insurance fraud investigations.

Fraud / Scams and fraudsters are widespread in the world, and unless you are there, the most effective way to avoid is to hire private detective for help. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offers a wide range of services, specializing in relationship investigation. If you suspect someone is cheating you, then contact us to help get the truth. The token private detective cost is minimal, however in the end may save you more than that as well as time and heartache.

Investigations into suspected cases of fraud are triggered when insurance adjusters feel that a case they are evaluating seems suspicious, lacks key information, or is outright fraudulent. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services measurement of detection to deterrence of fraud are advanced with SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services investigative models, and intelligent technologies which is applied to informative databases to provide for efficient claim sorts and strategic analysis in property-liability cases and health insurance situations.

Often involves discreet enquiries in several venues involving targeted individual at all levels of the company who are suspected of being involved or used to facilitate the unauthorized or misappropriation of funds or capital. Fraud and larceny threaten corporate effectiveness and efficiency and must be eliminated in order to maintain a company's competitive edge in the market place. Many financial institutions rely on us to analyze and interview employees to identify internal fraud. Enormous amount of money may be saved by timely detection and correction of these problems.

People have been facing such problems from years, earlier they did not use to have an agency to fall back upon but now with the changing times and increasing vigilance, you can always fall back on SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services to help you out and solve you cases.

These unscrupulous individuals and companies apply for financial aid and loans from banks and financial institutions on the basis of falsified information. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services is often called upon to conduct independent internal investigations and verify the information submitted at the time of these applications. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services also assist these organizations in tracing defaulters who have not been found using conventional methods.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services are the highly acclaimed organization engaged in providing SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services clients with Corporate Fraud Detective Services. Further, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services are having a team of skilled professionals to ascertain information on person mostly holding key positions or sensitive position involved in the alleged misappropriation of funds, misuse of their position including blackmailing their management. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have gained expertise in narrow down the suspect areas, zero-in to kingpins, keep a close watch on their movements, activities, and collect information through cultivated sources on their assets and financial position to nail them down. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services help SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services clients to ensure that their employees are working in the interest of their company and not against it.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offer Corporate Fraud Detectives. To ascertain information on person / persons (mostly holding key positions or sensitive position) involved in the alleged misappropriation of funds, misuse of their position including blackmailing their management.

Narrow down the suspect areas

Zero-in to kingpins

Keep a close watch on their movements activities

Collect information through cultivated sources on their assets and financial position to nail them down.

Since SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has a very long experience in handling corporate fraud cases with huge rate of sucess attached they use the different modus operandi in different situation depending upon the facts available SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has a team who are highly quqlified for interrogation as well.

In the recent past the finance and loan market has made a tremendous comeback. Now it has becomes really easy to get your car or home financed because of so many financing options available. The ease in getting loans has further made it easier to fake by using someone else documents and getting finance in their name. Many cases of such kinds have been heard and reported in news.

If you have been a victim of such an event then it is necessary to approach SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services who will solve your case and will save you from incurring a huge loss. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services is working from many years in this field and has solved many bank fraud and economic offences. With the skill and expertise of SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services professional detective, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services are not only able to enjoy a great reputation in the society but also have been able to solve most complex cases. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services specialize in Financial Services matters like:

  • Cheque missing cases
  • Cheque bouncing cases,
  • Bank loan default cases,
  • Loans default by companies,
  • Breach of commercial contracts,
  • Breach of agreements,

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have the right infrastructure and team of expert detectives who work in their best possible potential to help in solving your case. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services use specialized method/team to detect these frauds and have few MNC banks in SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services list for which SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services are doing this practice.

Have you been a victim of internet or other fraud? SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services

Team of detectives can help you locate the other party and recover your goods or payments.

Private Detective Services and Fraud Investigations

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have private Detectives with years of experience investigating fraud in its many forms. Investigating any form of fraud can be a very important operation ensuring that any persons or companies who are prepared to carry out misleading and illegal activities for financial gain are brought to answer for their actions. Below are some of; but not limited to the varying forms of fraud investigations that SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can carry out.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the Insurance sector. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is also included nondisclosure agreement where necessary.

Fraud has always been present since the times reached by human memory extending up to SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services days and is highly likely to continue to be committed in the future. Anybody can be exposed to fraud internal (corporate managers, shareholders, employees) and external (banks, tax institutions, suppliers, purchasers, investors, governmental institutions, financial experts, auditors and even the society at large) users of information. Fraud produces detrimental effect not only upon the financial status and performance of companies even it may ruin the company’s image and damage its competitiveness.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services undertake fraud investigation as a two dimensional task in which SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services investigate internal business fraud and external business fraud. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services perform specialized analysis, detection and investigation of the fraud to further prevention of future threats.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services structures fraud by distinguishing five key branches:

  • Asset misappropriation
  • Material misstatements of financial statements
  • Corruption
  • Tax evasion
  • Other undetected frauds

Within the area of business fraud, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services approach to separate theft between internal and external is always helpful to get successful results. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services perform a specialized analysis, detection and investigation of the fraud for further prevention of future threats.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services continuously strive to help you to provide a consistently high standard of service and understand the extensive enquiries related to the corporate sector. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services discuss all the issues in complete confidential manner which is also included non disclosure agreement where necessary.

Internal and external fraud is increasing, with an expanding economy and a shrinking world, company fraud is a growing problem. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can help companies protect themselves against internal and external fraud. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services give you the facts you need to make informed decisions, whether you're a local business or a global corporation, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offer a comprehensive service tailored to your specific needs.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have a team of professionals drawn from all areas including ex-police and ex-armed forces personnel, Investigators and undercover operatives who specialize in Fraud Investigations. Company fraud and related insurance investigations are unfortunately sometimes given lower priority by stretched police forces, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services aim to fill "the gap" through speedy investigation and actions to minimize losses. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can assist in locating assets and recovery, therefore limiting losses and limiting damage.

Cyber Crime

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services is one of the private agencies which provide the best services in SaudiArabia in Cyber Crime Detective. In this cyber crime detective SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have an expertise in this field with lots of experiences and all also SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have a team of experts.

As the modern corporate world gets increasingly computerized a significant new dimension is add to corporate crime. This is computer related losses and new ingenious ways to commit these crimes.

It is not uncommon to receive an anonymous email from a disgruntled and past employee. The mail usually speaks about the faulty administration, loopholes and existence of favoritism every email has an email header which contains IP address of the sender. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services uses this IP address to find out the sender's name and address. Apart from above, there are cases of misuse of resources and infiltration by a third party. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have a team which can detect such kind of activities SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services take pride in saying that other agencies outsource this task to SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services . When it comes to high end investigation, rely on SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services .

Investigation can uncover share frauds, credit card crime, financial thefts and many more SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can detect and help prevent such crime by providing a complete package to counteract related frauds and abuses.

Patent & Trademark Investigations

In the recent times, many corporate organizations are facing the problems of copyright, patent and trademark infringements. Today’s advanced technology, organizational information availability over the Internet and competition within the marketplaces has resulting in such exploitation.

Many a times, spurious products with your brand name and trademark enter the market. These products enjoy your market share and reduce your profit margin to a considerable extent. These practices are difficult to detect as trading occurs in distant places and across geographical boundaries. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services co-ordinates SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services investigative activities across several geographic locations to detect, identify, curtail and prevent the business in counterfeit products and infringement of trademarks. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services provides services to SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services ’s client to check and catch hold of the organization who make the duplicate products and reduce your profit margin.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services ’s Network will protect your organization from counterfeit merchandise and gray market trading. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have been actively locating and purchasing counterfeit goods including but not limited to videos, software, clothing and electronics. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have established undercover trading companies that obtain data and merchandise from suspicious sources. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services network of investigators all over the country enables SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services to monitor the movement of these counterfeit, gray market merchandise in the country. Once discovered, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can determine the legal status, size, markets and ownership of subjects selling illegal products. Additionally, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services are experienced in coordinating with law enforcement authorities to conduct raids leading to the seizure of these counterfeit goods.

As the leading detective agencies for Infringement of Trade Mark, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services support your company’s interests by helping you in finding out the misuse of your patents, trademarks, intellectual properties or copyrights and help you through according to company laws. At SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services we have a team of experts who can handle patent, trademark or copyright infringement investigations across India.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has gained a position of repute in the industry arena for rendering highly professional and customized Patent Trademark services to their clients. The entity is backed by a team of diligent and hard working professional detectives, who carry out the investigation activities effectively and provide SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services esteemed clients with the best results. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services entity has become a name to reckon with and the Top Detective Agency in India. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services co-ordinate SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services investigative activities across several geographic locations to detect, identify, curtail and prevent the business in counterfeit products and infringement of trademarks.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services will protect your organization from counterfeit merchandise and gray market trading. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have been actively locating and purchasing counterfeit goods including but not limited to videos, software, clothing and electronics. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have established undercover trading companies that obtain data and merchandise from suspicious sources. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services network of detective agents is spread all over the country with metro cities being the prime focus. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services sophisticated network enables SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services to monitor the movement of this counterfeit, gray market merchandise in the country.

Where Infringement of copyright, trademark, label & patent related Investigations are conducted in a discreet & confidential manner and all information is corroborated with at least two sources wherever possible.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offer Infringement Of Copyright, Trademark, Label & Patent Related Investigations services. Copyright infringement is the unauthorized or prohibited use of works under copyright, infringing the copyright holder's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.

Asset Search & Verification Services

Often people have assets that are not easily identified by public records, such as when they are held in different names (aliases), by family members or when other means of hiding assets are used. That’s why the services of an expert SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services is needed to do a reliable & comprehensive asset investigation. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can also search for bank accounts, brokerage accounts and offshore bank accounts and other hard to find assets.

Asset Search & Verification Services are designed to locate and identify company or individually held assets such as real estate property, vehicles, business ownership interests, income sources, and liabilities such as civil litigation, judgments, tax liens, defaults and bankruptcies. Professional analysis of each matter will often afford further relevant information, which will be detailed in SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services report. Supporting documentation may be located and retrieved upon request. Field activity will be conducted in most instances to verify findings and develop additional information. A Comprehensive Asset Search is recommended for matters involving multiple subject debtors or missing/hidden assets. In this investigation, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services efforts are focused as requested and within the agreed budget and turn-around allowance.

The asset search is used to reveal the financial profile of an individual or business. These searches can help you find hidden family assets, prepare you for suing someone and more. There are several levels of the asset search, from a basic search of public records to very thorough “deep” asset investigations, which can reveal hidden assets such as offshore accounts.

To get a comprehensive idea of someone’s assets, hiring a private investigator who is an expert in asset location is the next step. Private investigators have access to sources and databases not available to individuals. This includes ownership of businesses, limited partnerships, vehicles, real property, and other forms of assets such as bank accounts. Experienced investigators can also find hidden assets that people may be trying to hide.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services , Asset tracing Services are designed to locate and identify company or individually held assets such as real estate property, vehicles, business ownership interests, income sources, and liabilities such as civil litigation, judgments, tax liens, defaults and bankruptcies. Professional analysis of each matter will often afford further relevant information, which will be detailed in SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services report.

Supporting documentation may be located and retrieved upon request. Field activity will be conducted in most instances to verify findings and develop additional information. A Comprehensive Asset Search is recommended for matters involving multiple subject debtors or missing/hidden assets.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services , Asset tracing Services offers verification and discovery of hidden assets, real and other property, bank accounts and the real worth of commercial or personal entities. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services locate debtors, conduct background investigations on companies and individuals, and locate tangible assets such as source of income, banking relations and unsecured and real property.

Basic asset profile.Due diligence for assets when policy limits are offered. (Also known as the CYR – cover-your-rear search)

Includes name and Social Security number verification.

Includes real property search by name and address

Includes DMV search for vehicles owned

Includes fictitious business (DBAs), corporate president and agent for service searches, Uniform Commercial Code filings, Superior civil court cases, etc.

Includes all Level One searches

Includes statewide bankruptcies, judgments – with dates and amounts, evictions, foreclosures and tax liens

Includes real property equity assessment, including all trust deeds and current market value

Includes limited partnerships, statewide professional licenses, Board of Equalization, aircraft, watercraft, pilot licenses

Includes Social Security fraud scan for aliases, false Social Security numbers and names of relatives

Unique address history scan searches for asset related data

Includes all Level One and Level Two searches

Includes research for financial institution affiliations

Includes all above searches

Includes search for offshore assets

Includes extended county searches, transferred properties, concealed assets and confidential sources. Also includes search for assets held by spouses, family members, business associates, and AKA’s

Background & Asset Combination

Combines Level Two Asset and Level Two Background Searches

A complete wide-ranging profile of your subject

Asset portion gives a broad asset profile to gauge net worth; including real property, vehicles, business affiliations and ownership, liabilities, bankruptcies, etc

Background portion gives personal profile, including criminal research, (felonies and misdemeanors), civil cases, divorces, driver record, age confirmation, aliases, relatives, address history and false Social Security numbers Often used for business due diligence, prenuptial, dating and executive pre-employment

Private Detective Agency SaudiArabia Detectives SaudiArabia, Surveillance Agency, Corporate Investigations, Private Detective SaudiArabia Private Investigators, Detective Agencies.

Financial Creditability Verification

Financial investigation covers a wide gamut of areas such as insurance frauds, bank account information & verification of financial assets. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services world-class expertise in investigations provide SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services customers with the solutions they need to stay a step ahead of potential problems and avoid pitfalls caused by lack of adequate information.

The main objective when it comes to financial investigation is to document and identify the money movement. The connection between where the money is coming from, who is getting it, when its being received and where its being deposited or stored, can make available criminal activity proof. Financial investigations usually involve records, for instance records of motor vehicle, files about real estate, bank account info etc, which identify with money movement.

  • Insurance Defense
  • Bank Account Information
  • Partner Background Reports
  • Insurance Investigation
  • Business Asset Investigation

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services services are to verify an individual or a company's reputation, market credibility and other important factors. Financial institutions and corporations find it is invaluable to have thorough, detailed knowledge of new business associations.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services provides the necessary financial/operational analysis and background information which assists in taking the right decision regarding new client relationships. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can also check the competence of these subjects and compile an in-depth report into their trading practices, and other aspects of their businesses.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services asset tracing Services are designed to locate and identify company or individually held assets such as real estate property, vehicles, business ownership interest, income sources, and liabilities such as civil litigation, judgments, tax liens, defaults and bankruptcies. Professional analysis of each matter will often afford further relevant information, which will be detailed in SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services report.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services diligent team is capable of tracing out the concealed assets of defaulting borrowers, judgment debtors and dishonest employees to effectuate recoveries or execute decrees. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services financial investigation services by adequately trained staff assists various companies in meeting their objectives. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services world-class expertise in investigations provides SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services customers with the solutions they need to stay a step ahead of potential problems and avoid pitfalls caused by lack of adequate information.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is the process of systematically researching and verifying the accuracy of a statement. In compliance, due diligence describes the degree of effort required by law or industry standard. In real estate, due diligence is the time period between the acceptance of an offer and the close of escrow. In civil law, due diligence is synonymous with "reasonable care." When a patent is issued, due diligence is the requirement that the patent holder should develop a product around the patent, and not just prevent others from doing so.

Diligence is a term used for a number of concepts involving either a background of a business or a person prior to signing a contract. A common example of due diligence in various industries is the process through which a potential acquirer or a person who wants to do business evaluates a target company or its assets for acquisition.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services Due Diligence Services can assist the corporate by providing timely business decision information for mergers and acquisitions throughout the Country.

Due Diligence could be on anything such as -

  • Business Due Diligence
  • Corporate Due Diligence
  • Financial Due Diligence
  • Investment Due Diligence
  • Commercial Due Diligence
  • Asset Purchase Due Diligence
  • Matrimonial Due Diligence

Generally, due diligence refers to the care, a reasonable person should take before entering into an agreement or a transaction with another party. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has highly qualified Chartard Accountants, Legal Advisors and Professionals for Due Diligence when any person or party decides to purchase a property or any other asset which usually depends on the result of the due diligence analysis therefore SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services takes utmost care to review of all financial records plus anything else deemed material to the sale.

Some time the Seller also approach SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services to perform due diligence analysis on the buyer to check the ability of the buyer to purchase, as well as other items that would affect the purchased entity or the sellers after the sale has been completed hence SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has specially qualified team who are specially trained for this.

Due diligence is another way of preventing unnecessary harm to either party involved in Transaction therefore when merger or takeover takes place SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services plays a vital role to carry out Due Diligence on the other party and check complete record and read beyond what is mentioned in the records and completely satisfied.

Operational Due Diligence
Trust… but Verify.

  • Comprehensive research of public records
  • In-depth personal profiles
  • Reputation assessment
  • Third-party interviewing
  • Asset/wealth determination

Financial institutions and corporations find it is invaluable to have thorough, detailed knowledge of new business associations. Detective Network provides the necessary financial/operational analysis and background information which assists in taking the right decision regarding new client relationships. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can also check the competence of these subjects and compile an in-depth report into their trading practices, and other aspects of their businesses.

Time and again SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have been retained by corporations to verify the existence and assets of potential new clients and or companiesin other parts of the world. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services worldwide networking capabilities ensure that such investigations are conducted thoroughly, confidentially and expeditiously. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have the ability to locate the owners and true beneficiaries of a business, even in the most complex of domiciles and subsequently establish a true financial picture. From this point SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services can then, if needs be, examine the individuals who head the business to establish if they are involved in any other organization, or if there could be a conflict of interest.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services Due Diligence Analysis is one of SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services top services that is highly sought by Corporate. This is because Due Diligence information is strategic and integral part of business transactions such as mergers, joint ventures and acquisitions besides when forming new customer or vendor relationships. For these alliances to be long lasting and profitable, partners require access to better business information to take more informed strategic business decisions. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has an established reputation of providing the highest quality business background investigations to clients nationwide. Knowledge plays a vital part in staying ahead of the competition. Many businesses have latent debts and shady past or illicit behavior that few others than a private investigator can uncover.

When conducting background investigation there is rarely a fixed pattern for how to get the information you need, each case is different. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services advantage is that SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have an experienced staff of professional investigators who know how to get results in an industry where improvisation is the norm.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services have a proven track record of providing the highest quality business background investigations and research to clients nationwide. Knowledge is the crucial factor in staying ahead of the competition. Contrary to popular belief, what you don’t know can hurt you. Many businesses have hidden liabilities and hidden histories or illicit behavior that few other than a private investigator can uncover.

When conducting background investigation and research, there is rarely a blueprint for how to get the information you need, each case is different. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services advantage is SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services seasoned, experienced staff of professional investigators who know how to get results in an industry where innovation is the norm.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services team of highly trained investigators deeply investigates candidates' employment, financial and criminal history to uncover any incorrect information

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services verifies the status and existence of the company and their owner for joint-ventures, investments or business dealings purposes and covers their market as well as financial positions. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services dedicated team ensures the status of the company & the owner after conducting thorough enquiries and checks relevant documents as per the availability/requirements and provides details.


Corporate services, personal, services, specialise services, legal services, asset investigation, business background investigation, Computer Forensic Investigation, Corporate Background Screening, Corporate Intelligence & Analysis, Employee Theft, Employment Screening, Fraud Investigations, Undercover Operations, Wage & Fraud, Corporate Due Diligence Invstgations, Competitive Intelligence investigations, Record Research Investigators, Workplace violence, Background Screening, Divorce cases with proofs, maritial, Pre-Matrimonial Investigation, Post-Matrimonial Investigation, Labour court cases, Missing people, Servant verification, Handwriting Authentication, Fingerprint Services, Still Photography, Video Recording, Debugging, Insurance Enquires / Investigations, Litigation

Strategic Activities of Competitors

Do you know what your competitors are up to right now? Are they gaining on you? Preparing to launch a new product? Planning an expansion? Facing bankruptcy? If you are in business, you need to know what your competition is doing. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services offers comprehensive business background check services. Contact SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services today to discover that business intelligence doesn’t have to be limited to Fortune 500 companies; all businesses, including yours, can benefit from competitive background check research.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services business background check services can help you make better business decisions about selecting new suppliers, customers, or business partners by searching several databases exclusively available to the investigative community. If you are considering a business relationship, you need to know about the company’s background. Does it have a history of bankruptcies or judgments? Find out this critical information and make better business decisions before you spend valuable time and resources working with another company.

Today's competition is present in every field, it also makes a negative impact in some areas. The most prominent people in the business world. Corporate espionage cases rise at an alarming rate. It has tools to play in the form of private detective agencies, and hire an experienced person can solve all problems.

In the corporate world people encounter daily new cases of fraud and cheating. In the increasingly fierce competition and profitability beyond any measure of greed led to fraudulent activity. Each competitor in the business wants to excel beyond the coverage of others engaged in the same business. This is within a reasonable range, the person obtains excellent in his own ability, but it becomes a problem of cheating when it comes wrongdoing.

To do research of future prospects many organizations are adopting Competitive Intelligence Investigation. It helps the business owner to modify his/her firm’s position in market place. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services provides you the service of Competitive Intelligence Investigation by investigating and advising about the capabilities, intentions and actions of current and potential competitors that provides input in planning long term strategy and goals.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services Competitive Intelligence service provides all the information useful to analyze information sources outside the organization which can help you to take correct decisions to expand your business and make it more profitable.

In the business community there is a feeling that if a person knows about the trading business, the way his competitors that person can accordingly make their his strategy. Corporate espionage start there and then. Although this is totally unfair to a person's business activities peep competitors, but this thing is being practiced by most of them on a very large scale. All of these problems/ solutions are caused / rectified by the private investigation agencies in India. Private detective is hired to get information or deny information about who they are employed with the company's competitors partnerships employees. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services are able to give you all possible solutions related to the analysis of the competition to define and to create a competitive edge of the organization in order to reach a larger goal, that is market expansion and profitability.

Hiring SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services may save you significant future losses. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services huge experience, especially in the mentioned cases will help you prove all irregularities the competitive company is doing. In that way you may balance the competition, thus increase significantly your profits

Some of the common factors which are considered during establishing the business are as following:

  • Analyze and Gauge the marketing activities of the primary competitors based upon the positions in the market and associated marketing strategies.
  • Evaluate competitor’s performances and standing in the respective Industry and identify key factors underlying their success and failure.
  • Evaualate the current and future resources and competencies of each competitor.
  • SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services know the fine link between intelligence and espionage in the corporate sector and SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services are able to assist you by both procuring evidences, proofs & information about your competitors.


> Under Forensic we cover four aspects

  • Finger Prints : Our forensic team takes finger prints from any availaible object and match it with availaible records or new records.
  • Handwriting Verification : We can verify the sample handwriting with any other available hadnwritten document.
  • Signature Verification: Two signatures can be matched to identify whether it belongs to the same person or not.
  • Voice Analysis : Two voices can be analsyed and matched to identifty the speaker.

Our report is acceptable in Court as the investigation is being carried out by a person with required qualification & license.

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services specializes in the Forensic Analysis of all types of digital assets and media (Computer Forensics) for corporate clients, law firms and government agencies. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has also pioneered many Electronic Document Discovery techniques for law firms utilizing the principals of computer forensics and maintaining strict forensic soundness avoiding spoliation issues. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services also helps clients comply with the ever-changing security regulations by contracting Incident Response. Our ERT (Emergency Response Teams) are located in strategic cities in (Amritsar, Bhatinda, Bundala, Dapper, SaudiArabia, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Pathankot, Patiala) and can respond to clients needs in hours if necessary. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services has assisted clients of all sizes and realizes the need to be able budget and control the cost of expensive computer forensic examinations and we are proud to offer the pre-analysis service at a flat rate to help clients decide if an exam is necessary and what it will cost.

All of our examiners are Certified Computer Forensic Specialists and have years of experience in the field. Our Computer Forensic Systems Analysts have designed plans and computer forensic tools to extract and correlate data from some of the largest and most complex systems in the world and our experience and ability to handle the newest technologies to legacy systems is unchallenged.

While many firms specialize in Computer Forensics GDF has worked with clients far beyond just the disk drive and has found "Captain D.K.Giri" in many types of electronic equipment from Hand Held Devices and Servers to PBX systems. Our unmatched experience spans the full spectrum of the digital world. Our data correlation process renders usable results and can be easily imported into any Case Management or Litigation Support System.

Our facilities have fully equipped Computer Forensic Labs, Computer Evidence Storage Facilities and, in some cases, Clean Rooms allowing the SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services Team to handle any Computer Forensic situation or type of data or media. We now offer Depot Services, a cost effective and fast way for any organization to get the results they need economically.

Whether your organization needs computer forensic analysis of a single disk drive or to forensically extract data from a massive financial reporting system SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services will work with you to ensure the highest quality computer forensic work product at the most reasonable pricing structure in the industry.

Internet forensics investigations are used when you need to identify someone on the Internet, when you have been defrauded on the Internet, when you have been stalked on the Internet, when you have been impersonated on the Internet, or when you need to know what activities an individual has been involved in on the Internet. They are also used when you believe someone is posting malicious or damaging information about you or your business. Regardless of the nature of the threat we can help you reach a satisfying conclusion.

Email tracing is used to determine the origin and sender of an email. If you have receive threats via email, if your business has suffered from malicious and slandering emails, if you just need to know the identity of an individual with a specific email address we can help. Timeliness is extremely important; email addresses can easily be changed and removed. Now a days a lot of blackmailing and unwanted material posted at various sites related to you may disturb your peace and life. Our cyber experts are here to help you. Our backup of expert calligraphists and eavesdropping devices gives complete analysis with personality and psychological profile.

Our experts in forensic intelligence give you full accuracy in detecting theft using fingerprint techniques. We compares the question as well principal documents and matches the hand writings. The report prepared by our forensic experts are fully authentic and admissible in the court.

Our expertise in these areas have resulted in arrests to the advantage of our clients.

Forensics Investigation Services

SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services was established with a goal to provide scientific support and services to the investigation of crime through a team of well trained professionals. Further, our organization well equipped with latest technologies required for forensic investigations. Our employees have superior skills in Ballistics, Documents, Finger Prints, Forensic Psychology, Photo, Computer Forensic Science & Scientific Aids. Moreover, the organization has separate divisions with advanced laboratories for Computer Forensics and DNA profiling. Additionally, our clients are assured full secrecy all throughout the process. Also, our prices are very reasonable for our esteemed clients.

Forensics Investigation

Leveraging on the proficiency of our professionals, we are engaged in offering Forensics Investigation Services. These services are highly effective and crack various criminal cases. Our forensics investigation team is well aware of the various techniques, which are required for solving a case and catching the culprit. These services are instantly provided to the clients as per their mentioned specifications. Moreover, our services are available at the most economical prices to the patrons.

DNA, Finger Print & Handwriting Forensics

DNA. What is DNA? The human body is composed of billions of cells of many different types i.e. blood cells, hair, skin, bone, muscle cells, heart, lung, spleen. DNA testing has become synonymous with paternity testing and divorce proceedings. DNA paternity testing examines several pairs of genetic markers in order to determine the probability of paternity of a child. The child inherits one marker from the mother and one from the father in each pair of the analyzed markers. If it is proven that the alleged father did not contribute half of the child's DNA, he is excluded as the biological father. Approximately 30% of all paternity tests reveal an "exclusion".

Legally admissible forensic science services (at our office in Panjab) are utilized to determine the identity of a human being in a variety of situations, including:
  • Parentage/paternity testing
  • Infidelity studies
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual assault
  • Murder
  • Automobile accident reconstruction

Handwriting analysis is an extremely difficult science. Our detective agency in Panjab utilizes various handwriting analysts who can determine the age, sex, identity, etc of the writer after comparative study is carried out on samples. It's not a skill you can learn through simple repetition. In order to do a good job, you need a strong natural "gut" psychological sense in addition to rigorous application of both standard and innovative theories.

Fingerprint analyses again is a very difficult subject; we as Panjab 's premier private detective agency use state of the art technology to verify finger prints, which can help is various situations. The investigation and identification of fingerprints is known as 'dactyloscopy' in forensic science. In this, an impression of the ridges of the finger found at the crime scene are mapped and matched to an existing database of fingerprints or any suspects that the client may have. As every person has a unique fingerprint, this is a fairly accurate method of finding out the identity of suspects.

We at Sharp Detective Agency Panjab who offer fingerprint investigation services carry advanced equipment and resources to help professionally conduct the enquiry. In most cases, both ink print method and digital technology is used to conduct the fingerprint investigation.

Computer forensics Investigations Many investigations can be carried out by analysing computer data, deleted information, emails, connections, file transfers etc. If you need assistance in a Computer Forensics Investigation, a Private Detective from SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services forensics can provide accurate and reliable assistance. SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services 's Private Detectives provide a full range of services for the handling of computer related investigations. Our experienced Private Detectives can support you from the initial fact finding mission through to successful conclusion of our findings. If necessary we are able to continue through to advise and support you in relation to court proceedings, disciplinary procedures or any other action relating to the event.

Computer forensics services

Maybe you have experienced the theft of company data, hacking, planted viruses, malicious emails, Internet abuse or any other computer related incident, SaudiArabia Detective & Investigation Agency & Services 's Private Detectives can carry out a discreet investigation in the following ways.